Monday, August 6, 2012

Let's go to prison

McDonald's is trying to help me escape from prison.

I kid you not, the spoon came out of the plastic wrap like that. The missing piece of the spoon was nowhere to be found. McDonald's gave me a shank to eat my ice cream. 

Lately I've been having trouble with food places. Whenever I order something there's always something wrong, and I can't catch a break. Whatevs.

Speaking of food mishaps, there's this recipe on Pinterest called "hocus pocus rolls" which are actually called resurrection rolls. I click the recipe and the premise is you dip marshmallows in butter and cinnamon sugar and wrap them in a crescent roll. After you bake them and take a bit into the roll the marshmallow has magically disappeared. According to the Christian blog the roll signifies the tomb and the marshmallow is Jesus (ergo the Michelin man must be Jesus).

This is what happened when I tried:


As you can see, the marshmallows are still there. It appears as though marshmallow Jesus is trying to escape his flaky tomb, but is either still trapped, or loitering outside. 

Even though it was disappointing the marshmallows didn't disappear, they were still absolutely delicious. As was my shank sundae. 

1 comment:

  1. You mock the believers! This is why they did not turn out right. The Shank is NYC after all it should have been part of the Happy Meal. A cool weapon in every box! When ordering make sure they know if it is for a girl or boy
