Saturday, June 30, 2012


Today Paige, Charlye, and I went to Brooklyn (gross I know) to Smorgasburg! It's a food thing that apparently happens every Saturday, and a bunch of vendors get together and have a few selections from their menus in smaller easier to eat form.

A partial view...there was so much more. 

Chicken burger with artichoke and sun dried tomato spread

Baby s'mores

And there may have been a virgin sangria, tart raspberry lemonade, and a bit of a doughnut involved. Charlye also had baby pancakes with peach and cream, and Paige had some lobster. As I typed lobster the word looked really funny to me, and now I'm repeating it in my head. Lobster, lobster, lobster, who thought to name this crustacean breed lobster? 

1 comment:

  1. It's from Old Englsh "lobbe" - spider. the word lobster also has a very old meaning of a person regarded with comtempt as A)a man unduly responsive to female wiles:one willing to pay for female company B)a stupid awkward person
    -You asked
