Tuesday, May 1, 2012

So over OWS...

Today there was an Occupy Wall Street takeover. I was walking to class and I accidentally found myself in the middle of an OWS march down Broadway. It was insane. Initially I was fine, because they were singing songs and I was like "Yeah! Love me some songs," but then I realized they were angry songs, and I didn't like it so much any more. No worries, I got out. Then after class they had taken over Union Square and I had to weave my way through more protestors and crazies. I stopped in Chop't, which is by the park, and was in line with a bunch of officers who were like "I'm so over this."

Oh and mortification moment of the day: I was walking back to the apartment and this guy just started racing past me and he bumped into me knocking me on the subway grate. I was unfortunately in a skirt, and as I'm standing on this grate a subway passes by...and there was a gust of wind. Thank goodness for Spanx or it could have been even worse. I tried to pull a Marilyn, but I rock sexless over sexiness and deer in headlights over calm. It was bad, so bad.

1 comment:

  1. Really you are going to "claim" you just got swept up in the tide of protesters...I knew this would happen and now you're an exhibitionist too.
